輕鬆分辨現在簡單式VS 現在進行式
現在簡單式與現在進行式是許多英文學習者在一開始學習英文文法時首先接觸到的時態,很多學生在被問到現在簡單式或現在進行式怎麼用時,常常回答我現在簡單式就是用do, does,現在進行式就是be加上V-ing,學生回答的是一直以來他們所熟悉的公式,但是被問到什麼情境下要使用現在簡單式或現在進行式,大部分的學生概念都是模模糊糊的,以下將以圖表及日常生活中的例子逐一說明這兩個時態的用法,並在文末附上練習題,希望閱讀完本文後,讀者能更加進一步理解並運用現在簡單式與現在進行式。
現在簡單式 simple present tense

使用情境 | 例句及解釋 |
1.不變的真理 |
The sun rises in the East. 太陽從東邊升起。 *太陽過去、現在、未來都從東邊升起、永遠都不會改變。 |
2.現在的事實或狀態 | I am a student. 我現在是一個學生 I live in Taiwan. 我現在住在台灣 |
3.周而復始的習慣動作 |
I go to work every day. 我每天都去工作 I do yoga every Tuesday.每週二我都做瑜珈 |
4.描述一連串事件: (1)指示 (2)報導(如: 球賽) (3)敘述故事 |
(1)First, crack an egg. Second, pour some oil. 首先打一顆蛋,然後倒入油 Go straight ahead one block and turn left. 直走一個街區然後左轉 (2)Lydia passes the ball to John, and John shoots. Lydia把球傳給John然後John射門 *現在簡單式可用來描述報導中比較快的動作或事件。 (3)So I go into the library, and I see a man. He says... 所以我就去圖書館,然後我看到一個男人,他說... *現在簡單式可用來敘述故事中接二連三發生的事情。 |
5. 表達未來的狀況-> 請見未來簡單式文章說明 |
# 關於現在簡單式句子結構-> 請見入門文法現在簡單式
現在進行式present progressive tense :
使用情境 | 例句及解釋 |
1.現在當下正在做的事情![]() Actions are going on now. |
Tom is reading right now. *Tom 從九點開書讀書,一直讀到現在是九點半的時間,Tom在九點半此時此刻正在讀書,之後還會不會繼續讀我們不知道,他可能繼續或停下來 ,但此時此刻九點半Tom正在讀書。 |
2.表達現在前後(around now)重複進行的活動
![]() Actions and situations are going on around now. |
Mary is writing a new book this year.
*瑪莉今年一直在寫一本書,這是瑪莉今年一直在重複的活動,但不代表說話者講話的當下瑪莉正在寫書。 I’m traveling a lot these days.*現在我常常旅行,常常旅行是我如今重複進行的活動,但不代表我說話的當下我正在旅行。 |
3.表達 變化、發展中的情況 |
That child’s getting bigger every day. *那個孩子一天天長大。 |
5. 表達未來的狀況-> 請見未來簡單式文章說明 |

Lisa speaks Japanese. Japanese is her native language, but right now Lisa is speaking English.

中文的"你現在在做什麼"其實是語意很不清楚,可以有兩種解讀,可以解讀成1.What are you doing right now?
->用的時態是現在進行式,描述現在暫時性的動作(temporary, ongoing)
2.What do you do? 你現在的工作是什麼?
->用的是現在簡單式,描述一個現在長時間的事實 (permanent situation)
Sue疑惑的看著Mary說: 我正在彈吉他阿! (Sue覺得很奇怪,這麼顯而易見的事Mary為什麼還要問?) Mary: 不不,我的意思是你現在的工作是什麼?
Mary: What do you do?
Sue: I’m a musician.
Mary: What are you doing right now?
Sue: I’m playing the guitar.
非動作動詞Non-Action Verbs (不能用於進行式的動詞)
有些動詞用以表達一個狀態(a situation that exists),這些動詞不會用進行式來表達
EX: I know Rita. 我認識Rita. 這是一個存在的情況
你不會寫 I am knowing Rita.我正在認識Rita,文意上說不通
I am thirsty. I want a glass of water. 我口渴了,我想要一杯水。
你不會寫 I’m wanting a glass of water.我正在想要一杯水,文意上說不通
心智狀態 | know, understand,think, believe, need, etc. |
情緒狀態 | like, love, prefer, hate, care, surprise, etc. |
擁有 | have, own, belong, possess |
感官 | taste, smell, hear, feel, see |
其他存在狀態 | exist, consist of, seem, look like etc. |
例一: think
I think that Tom is a good student.
我認為Tom是個好學生-> 表達一個事實
I’m thinking about my family right now.
我正在想我的家人-> 表達此時此刻腦袋裡正在想的事情
例二: taste
This soup tastes too salty. 這湯嘗起來太鹹了-> 表達一個事實
Tom is tasting the soup. Tom正在嘗嘗看這碗湯-> 表達此時此刻Tom品嘗湯的動作
例三: feel
I feel that Mark is a good teacher. 我覺得Mark是一個好老師-> 表達一個事實
I'm feeling very tired right now. 我今天一直覺得很累-> 表達此時此刻覺得累

1. Every morning, my cats ____________(wake) me up because they ______(want) to have food. After I feed them, they lick my fingers and go back to sleep. I think my cats are excellent trainer. They know that waking me up in the morning _____(mean) that they will get food. Besides, my cats ______(be) reliable alarm clocks because they wake me up almost at the same time every day.
2. As a loyal servant, I ______(brush) my cats and _______(stroke) their fur every day. It’s nine a.m. right now. The sunshine ___________ (stream) through the windows in my bedroom. I ______(sit) on my bed, and my cats ___________(sleep) and ________(purr) in my arms.
3. Oh, I ________(try) to concentrate on my homework, but that cat _________(yowl) again outside my window. He’s driving me crazy.
4. Cats usually ______(doze) in the daytime. They _____(sleep) at least 16 hours a day; some cats can sleep up to 20 hours. Cats are most active at dawn and dusk.
5. A: Look! The cat ___________(chase) after a cockroach. Do cats ____(eat) cockroaches? B: I don’t know. I don’t think cats eat cockroaches, but they like to hunt any preys they can find. They ________(be) good hunters.
6. My cat usually _____(sit) on my office chair every day, but today she ______(sit) on my laptop.
7. This dry cat food ______(smell) good. My cat ________(smell) it to see if she wants to eat it.
8. It _______(look) cloudy today. My cat ______(look) out the window right now. I ____(think)that she _____(think) whether to go out or not.
2. brush, stroke, is streaming, am sitting, are sleeping, (are) purring
3. am trying, is yowling
4. doze, sleep
5. is chasing, eat, are
6. sits, is sitting
7. smells, is smelling
8. looks, is looking, think, is thinking
Azar, Betty Schrampfer.Understanding and Using English Grammar. 3rd ed. New York: Pearson Education, 1999.
Swan, Michael. Practical English Usage.3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005.