See Look Watch都是看,你知道差在哪怎麼用嗎?

See Look Watch都是看,你知道差在哪怎麼用嗎?

see, look, watch這三個字在中文中都翻成「」,你知道他們的差別嗎? 當你說電視、舞台劇、日出、老師正著我,這些中文中的「」字在英文中倒底要用see, look,watch之中的哪一個呢?你能夠很清楚的說出see, look, watch的差別嗎? 除了「看」字之外,listen, hear中文都翻成「」,那listen與hear又有什麼差異,音樂,你有到奇怪的聲音嗎? 又該選哪個字呢? 本文用情境的方式詳細說明see, look, watch, hear, listen的差異並提供相關練習題,希望讀者讀完後在口說會話中用到「看」字和「聽」字時能更精準正確的使用,說出漂亮的英文。

See, Look ,Watch的差別

1.see 是指眼睛打開就可以看到,進入眼簾的,不管我們有沒有留意。

EX: I see many things in this bedroom. I see a bed, a table, and a bookcase.


EX: Turn the light on, so I can see you. 把燈打開這樣我才看得到你。

2.look是用在集中注意力,有意地去看什麼東西,通常用在短時間去look at注視什麼東西或人

情境1: 在教室中老師發現Eric不專心,老師說Erick看著我 Eric, look at me!

情境2: 一群人去山上看星星,突然一顆流星閃過,其中一個人驚呼 Look! It’s a shooting star!


EX: Look! Look at me! 類似look at 也是有意地去看什麼東西,但使用watch時,通常意味某事正在發生或將要發生,我們長時間去watch注視變化發展的事物watch 通常與TV連用;watch 和 see 都用來討論電視節目和電影。

情境1: 一群學生要去動物觀察動物 You can watch animals at the zoo. 觀察動物通常是長時間的注視,而且動物的動作是會變化的

情境2: 看煙火 We watched the fireworks. 看煙火也是長時間有意地注視某物,且煙火是會變化發展的

情境3: My brother is watching TV. 看電視都是用watch

We watched/saw a good movie last night. 看電影用see或watch都可,see a movie是指去電影院看電影;而watch a movie是在家看電影

4. See V.S. Watch


He is watching a football match right now. 他現在正在看足球賽

Did you see the play on Tuesday? 你周二有去看舞台劇嗎?

See Look Watch 練習題:

1.I ______ many people in the department store.

2.I am _________ at the clock. I want to know what time it is now.

3.Jeff spends a lot of time __________ TV. Let’s _________ the news tonight.

4. ________ at the whiteboard. What do you ________?

5. A: Do you _______ the guy over there?

B: No.

A: _________ again.

B: Oh, it’s Ben.

6.When I go to the zoo, I like to ________ koalas and giraffes.

7. We ______________ a great movie on TV last nigh

8.We're going outside to ________at the stars. We couldn't _________ the stars last night because of the clouds.

9.Where are you going to _________ New Year’s Eve fireworks?


1. see 2.looking 3. watching, watch 4.Look, see 5. see, Look

6. watch 7. watched/ saw 8. look, see 9. watch

Hear, Listen 的差別

Hear, Listen 的差別

hear 是用來表達耳朵不用刻意就可以聽到的聲音,或是聽完一個表演、廣播、演講等等完整的經驗

listen 則是有意地去聽正在進行的聲音,強調有專心的去聽什麼


EX: Listen! Listen to me!

情境1: 講電話時周遭環境太吵,對方問Can you hear me? 你聽的到我聲音嗎?

情境2: 我走進書店我聽到書店播放的背景音樂

When I walked into the bookstore, I heard its background music.

情境3: 在教室中學生正仔細聆聽老師講課,但同時可以聽到環境中冷氣運轉的生音 The students are listening to

the teacher’s lecture. At the same time, they can hear the sound of the air-conditioner.


When my friend arrived, I was listening to a record of Sue playing Beethoven.


I once heard Sue play the Mozart requiem. 我曾經聽Sue彈奏莫札特的安魂曲

hear Listen練習題

1. I’m in my apartment. I’m trying to study. I_______ music from the next apartment. The music is too loud.

2. I’m in my apartment. I’m studying. I have a tape recorder. I’m ________to music. I like to_______to music when I study.

3. What do you________at night in the place where you live?

4. I ______them arguing downstairs, but I didn’t really ______to what they were talking about.

5. I didn’t _____the phone because I was __________to the radio.

6. In a classroom:

Teacher: _______carefully, please.

Student: Can you speak louder? Your voice is very soft. I can’ t _____you very well.

Teacher: Maybe I should get a microphone.


1. hear 2. listening, listen 3. hear 4. heard, listen

5. hear, listening 6. Listen, hear


Azar, Betty Schrampfer.Basic English Grammar.4th ed. New York: Pearson Education, 2014.

Swan, Michael. Practical English Usage.3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005



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