頻率副詞用於描述事件發生的頻率,在肯定句之中他們通常放在一般動詞之前be動詞之後,例如: John is always on time. John總是準時。John always comes to class on time. John總是準時抵達課堂;頻率副詞否定句之中擺放位置則取決於是哪一個頻率副詞,多數的頻率副詞在否定句之中會放在助動詞之前,例如: Melissa usually doesn’t take a shower in the morning. Melissa 通常不在早上淋浴,至於頻率副詞的疑問句,例如: 你想要問別人多常做某事,會用How often… 或 How many times a day/a week/a month/a year....的句型來問 How often do you go to the library?你多常去圖書館 How many times a day do you brush your teeth? 你一天刷幾次牙, 本文亦說明其他表達頻率的常見用詞(例如:一天一次once a day, 每隔一周every other week) 以及always 用於簡單式與進行式中的差別 (My mom is forgetful. She is always losing her purse. 我的媽媽很健忘總是弄丟她的錢包。 When my friends come to see me, I always take them to Lukang.當我的朋友來拜訪我時,我總是帶他們去鹿港。)並在講述頻率副詞的觀念後提供練習題供讀者實戰。
頻率副詞是一組英文初學者很常會學習到且常用於日常生活中的副詞,常見的頻率副詞從100%到0% 依序為:
always 總是: Elvis always takes a shower in the morning. Elvis 總是在早晨淋浴
usually 常常: I usually have breakfast around 9:30. 我通常在九點半前後吃早餐
often常常: Karen often goes out with friends. Karen 常常跟朋友出去
frequently常常: They frequently throw parties at that hotel. 他們經常在那個旅館舉辦派對
sometimes有時候: I sometimes watch TV. 我有時候看電視
occasionally有時候: I occasionally watch movies. 我有時候看電影
seldom很少: Eva seldom drinks bubble tea. Eva很少喝珍奶
rarely很少: Peter rarely drinks black coffee. Peter很少喝黑咖啡
hardly ever 幾乎不: I’m so busy with work that I hardly ever go to parties.我工作忙碌以至於幾乎不參加派對
almost never幾乎不: As a mother, she almost never goes to the movies.身為母親她現在幾乎不去看電影了
never 從未: They never take the subway. 他們從未搭地鐵
可能有同學會問到 usually, often, frequently 中文都翻成"經常/常常",用法上有差別嗎? 簡單來說,usually 會用在有規律性的習慣上(英文定義為: on a regular basis),而often 是指經常發生的事情但並不是一個常態性、例行性的習慣(英文定義為: it is something that happens frequently, but it doesn’t happen on a regular basis)。
例如: "我常常去台北"
英文可以說 I go to Taipei pretty often.
但不會說 I go to Taipei usually. 這樣的句子會怪怪的
如果要使用usually 來做表達,上下文要更清楚,適當的例句如下:
I usually go to Taipei on the weekends. 我通常在週末的時候去台北
I usually go to Taipei to visit my younger brother. 我通常去台北去拜訪我的弟弟
I go to Taipei frequently. = I go to Taipei often. 我常去台北
I go there pretty infrequently= I don’t go there pretty often. 我不常去那裡
至於rarely 和 seldom 中文都翻成"很少",帶有否定的文意(a negative meaning),這兩個頻率副詞以使用頻率來說rarely 較常使用,但兩者都比較常使用在書寫上,口語上如果要表達 "很少、不常",比較常說not…very often: I don’t go to the library very often. 我不常去圖書館。
hardly ever 等同於almost never都是"幾乎不"的意思
頻率副詞的擺放位置,多數情況下肯定句中是放在句子中間: Be 動詞之前,一般動詞之後,第一個助動詞之後
例如: 我總是準時,翻成英文時可以寫:
I am always on time.
-> always這個頻率副詞擺放的位置是在am之後
[*is, am, are都是be動詞,因隨著不同人稱而有不同變化]
I always come on time.
-> always這個頻率副詞擺放的位置是在come這個一般動詞之前
[* 只要不是be動詞的動詞都稱為一般動詞,例如: like喜歡, eat吃, love愛...之類的動詞]
如果不太清楚Be動詞,一般動詞是什麼,怎麼造句的讀者可參考"現在簡單式入門文法-用法句子結構大解密" 這篇文章
句子之中如果有助動詞或情態助動詞,頻率副詞則放在第一個助動詞之後,可能有讀者會問說什麼是助動詞?什麼是情態助動詞呢? 所謂的助動詞,英文稱為: helping verbs/ auxiliary verbs 就是輔助動詞的字詞:
例如: I drink coffee. She drinks coffee. 改成否定句時會寫 I do not drink coffee. She does not drink coffee. 改問句時寫Do you drink coffee? Does she drink coffee? 這裡否定句與問句的do和does 被稱為助動詞,並沒有任何含義而是作為輔助這個句子中真正的動詞drink的詞組,又例如在現在完成式中: Have you ever been to Japan? She has finished my homework. 之中的have和has也是助動詞,而不是當動詞 "有" 的意思喔! 所以像下面的例句:
She has never seen a meerkat. 她從未看過狐蒙
I have never been to Japan. 我從未去過日本
-> has和have為助動詞,頻率副詞never則放在助動詞have/has之後
She would never have met her husband if she hadn’t studied abroad.
-> 在這個例句中would和have 都是助動詞,頻率副詞never則放在第一個助動詞would之後
情態助動詞則是一組表達不同語氣(例如: 能力、允許、可能性、必要性等)的助動詞,常見的情態助動詞有can/could, may/might, should, must, will, would等,頻率副詞的位置一樣擺放在情態助動詞之後,例如:
You can sometimes see the Northern Lights from here. 在這裡你偶爾可以看到極光
If you have any questions, you can always call me. 如果你有任何問題,你都可以打電話給我
-> 在這兩個例句中can是情態助動詞,頻率副詞sometimes, always則放在can之後
頻率副詞練習題: 將頻率副詞放入句子中正確的位置
1.always: Anita is late for work.
2.always: Mary comes to the party on time.
3. often: Natasha studies in the library.
4. often: Catherine is in the library in the evening.
5. rarely: Sophia takes the bus.
6. rarely: Sophia is at home in the afternoon.
7. never: It snows in Taichung.
8. never: It is very cold in Pingtung.
9. never: She has been to Greece.
10. always: You can contact your teacher by email.
1. Anita is always late for work.
2. Mary always comes to the party on time.
3. Natasha often studies in the library.
4. Catherine is often in the library in the evening.
5. Sophia rarely takes the bus.
6. Sophia is rarely at home in the afternoon.
7. It never snows in Taichung.
8. It is never very cold in Pingtung.
9. She has never been to Greece.
10. You can always contact your teacher by email.
頻率副詞最常擺放的位置是在句子中間,但是有些頻率副詞像是 usually, often, frequently, sometimes, occasionally 可以放在句首,或者有時會放在句尾:
I see my best friend quite often. We have coffee at a cafe near my home.
Usually my cats wake up at 6 and keep meowing to ask for food.
A: When do you usually go to bed? 妳何時上床睡覺
B: I usually go to bed at 10 PM, but sometimes I go to bed at midnight.
I sometimes go to bed at midnight.
=Sometimes I go to bed at midnight.
=I go to bed at midnight sometimes.
Always, rarely, seldom, never 通常不會放在句首的位置,但是always 和never 可以擺在命令句的開頭,例如:
Always keep your head up when you cross the road. Don’t text and walk. 當過馬路的時候一定要把頭抬起來看路,不要邊走邊打簡訊
Never ask her about her age. She’ll get angry. 絕對不要問她她的年紀,她會生氣的
另外帶否定文意的頻率副詞(例如: hardly ever, rarely, seldom, never) 如果說話者想要強調否定的句意可以把否定文意的頻率副詞放到句首並使用「倒裝句」的寫法,所謂的倒裝句就是主詞和動詞/助動詞的位置做對調[類似問句的字序],但這樣的寫法一般不常使用於日常生活對話中,除非是想要強調否定元素:
Thank you for lending me some money to buy food. I will never forget your kindness to me.
I will never forget your kindness to me.
-> Never will I forget your kindness to me.
*把never調到句首後,將 I 和 will對調
2. Sam不負責任,他幾乎很少準時上班。
Sam is irresponsible. He hardly ever comes to work on time.
He hardly ever comes to work on time.
-> Hardly ever does he come to work on time.
*這個倒裝句比較特別,把hardly ever調到句首後,因為沒有其他的助動詞,所以倒裝時除了對調主詞動詞的位置還得加入does這個助動詞,寫does是因為人稱是he,然後come要用原型動詞寫
3. 擁有太多信用卡並非明智之舉,如果不能控制你的花費你可能最終會導致負債
It is seldom wise to have too many credit cards. If you can't control your spending, you could end up in debt.
It is seldom wise to have too many credit cards.
->Seldom is it wise to have too many credit cards.
*把seldom調到句首後,將 it和 is 對調
4. 我昨天第一次去我朋友家,當我走進她的後院時我看到了各式各樣的花朵、蘋果樹和一座小噴泉,我對我朋友說: 「我很少看到如此漂亮的花園。」
I went to my friend’s house for the first time yesterday. As I walked into her backyard, I saw various flowers, apple trees and a small fountain. I said to my friend, “ I have rarely seen such a beautiful garden.”
I have rarely seen such a beautiful garden.
->Rarely have I seen such a beautiful garden.
*把rarely調到句首後,將I 和 have 對調
否定頻率副詞倒裝練習題: 將帶有否定元素的頻率副詞放在句首並倒裝
1. We rarely eat turkey.
2. He seldom gets up at 6.
3. I will never forget what you did for me.
4. Sam hardly ever cleans his room.
1. Rarely do we eat turkey.
2. Seldom does he get up at 6.
3. Never will I forget what you did for me.
4. Hardly ever does Sam clean his room.
大部分的頻率副詞在否定句中會放在否定詞(如: doesn’t/ don’t / isn’t 等等)之前,always及ever 除外,會放在否定詞後面,我們來看幾個例句:
情境: Cathy喜歡早餐吃得很豐盛
Cathy likes to eat a big breakfast in the morning.
Cathy usually doesn’t eat lunch.
Cathy frequently doesn’t eat lunch.
Cathy often doesn’t eat lunch.
Cathy sometimes doesn’t eat lunch.
Cathy occasionally doesn’t eat lunch.
情境: Cathy白天的時候在學校當志工
Cathy is a volunteer at school in the daytime.
Cathy usually isn’t home in the afternoon.
Cathy sometimes isn’t home in the afternoon.
Cathay下午時不總是在家 Cathy isn’t always home in the afternoon.
情境: Samantha 和我都喜歡早餐吃得很豐盛
I like to eat a big breakfast in the morning, and so does Samantha.
我不總是吃午餐,Samantha 也不總是吃午餐
I don’t always eat lunch.
Samantha doesn’t always eat lunch, either.
情境: 我在家工作而且我不會開車, Samantha 則是搭捷運上班
I work from home and I can’t drive. Samantha goes to work by MRT.
I don’t ever drive to work.
Samantha 不曾開車去上班
Samantha doesn’t ever drive to work.

看完了頻率副詞肯定句與否定句的用法之後,相信讀者會問那問句中要怎麼使用呢? 如果是yes/no問句,頻率副詞會緊跟著句子中的主詞之後出現,例如:
Do you always stay up late? 你總是熬夜嗎?
*always 接在主詞you後出現
Does she often study in the library? 她很常在圖書館讀書嗎?
*often 接在主詞she後出現
頻率副詞的問句最常使用的是的How often…的問句
How many times a day…一天幾次
How many times a week…一周幾次
How many times a month…一個月幾次
How many times a year…一年幾次
*注意times這邊是 "次數" 的意思而不是問何時喔~
How often do you watch TV? 你多常看電視?
How often do you play video games? 你多常打電玩?
How many times a day do you check FB or IG? 你一天查看FB/IG幾次?
How many times a week do you exercise? 你一周運動幾次?
How many times a month do you go to the movies? 你一個月去電影院看電影幾次?
How many times a year do you take a trip? 你一年旅行幾次?
Rose: How often do you watch TV? 你多常看電視
Elvis: Not very often. I don’t like to watch TV. 不常, 我不喜歡看電視
Rose: How often do you play video games? 你多常打電玩
Elvis: Almost every day. 幾乎每天
Rose: How many times a day do you check FB or IG? 你一天查看FB/IG幾次?
Elvis: About twice a day. I check FB or IG at noon and before I go to bed. 大概一天兩次, 中午跟上床睡覺之前
Rose: How many times a week do you exercise? 你一周運動幾次?
Elvis: Three times a week. I play basketball with my friends and sometimes we go skateboarding. 一周三次,我和我的朋友一起打籃球,有時候我們去溜滑板
Rose: How many times a month do you go to the movies? 你一個月去電影院看電影幾次?
Elvis: Once a month. I go to the movies with my friends or my family. 一個月一次, 我跟我的家人或朋友去看電影
Rose: How many times a year do you take a trip? 你一年旅行幾次?
Elvis: Twice a year, during the summer vacation or winter break. 一年兩次, 暑假和寒假期間
除了上述提到的always, usually, sometimes, rarely, never等頻率副詞,以下舉例一些常用於表達頻率的其他用詞給讀者們參考:
1. every morning/afternoon/evening/night, 每天早晨/下午/傍晚/晚上
every day 每天, every week 每周, every month每月, every year 每年
*這幾個時間詞接在every後面的名詞必須是單數型,例如: "every day每天" 不可寫成every days
I have coffee every morning. 我每天早上喝咖啡
I pay the phone bill every month. 我每月付電話費
I buy a calendar every year. 我每年買月曆
2. every five minutes 每五分鐘, every three hours 每三小時, every six months 每半年, every two years 每兩年
* 如果要描述每隔五分鐘/每隔三小時/每半年這樣的時間詞,則every後面的時間單位可以是複數型的型態
Every five minutes a car accident happens in this country. 每五分鐘這個國家就有車禍發生
Do some stretches every three hours. 每三小時伸展一下
I have my teeth checked by a dentist every six months. 我每半年讓牙醫檢查我的牙齒
3. every other day 每隔一天 , every other week 隔週, every other month隔月, every other year 每隔一年
I clean my room every other day. 我每隔一天打掃一次房間
*如果我說I clean my room every other day的意思是 "周一有打掃房間, 週二沒有打掃房間, 週三有打掃房間, 週四沒有打掃房間,以此類推"
I go shopping every other week. 我每隔一周去購物
*第一周有去購物, 第二周沒有,第三周有去購物, 第四周沒有,以此類推
My friend and I have tea together every other month. 我朋友和我每隔一個月一起喝茶
*一月有一起喝茶, 二月沒有,三月有一起喝茶, 四月沒有,以此類推
4. 表達次數的用詞:
once a day/week/month/year 一天一次/一周一次/一月一次/一年一次
twice a day/week/month/ year 一天兩次/一周兩次/一月兩次/一年兩次
three times a day/week/month/year 一天三次/一周三次/一月三次/一年三次
four times a day/week/ month/ year 一天四次/一周四次/一月四次/一年四次
etc. 以此類推
I make tea twice a day. 我一天泡茶兩次
I see my grandmother once a month. 我每個月見我的祖母一次
My brother comes home three times a year. 我的弟弟一年回家三次
在前文中我們提過頻率副詞的擺放位置,在肯定句中多半是放在句子中 Be 動詞之前,一般動詞之後,第一個助動詞之後, 但是如果在簡答句與強調語氣中頻率副詞則會放在Be動詞及助動詞之前,我們來看幾個例子:
Do you usually wake up early? 你通常早起嗎?
簡答: Yes, I usually do. 是的,我通常是
-> 這邊的頻率副詞usually放在助動詞do之前
(詳答原句為 Yes, I usually wake up early. 是的,我通常早起)
I don’t trust him. I never have, and I never will. 我不相信他,我到目前為止從未相信過他,以後也不會相信他
-> 這邊的頻率副詞never 放在助動詞have, will之前
(原句為I don’t trust him. I have never trusted him and I will never trust him.)
Kevin: Hey, Lenny, do you want to play badminton on the weekend?
嘿Lenny, 周末要不要一起打羽球?
Lenny: Sorry, I have to work. You know that I USUALLY am busy on the weekend.
-> 這邊的頻率副詞usually因為強調語氣所以放在am之前,而非像一般的肯定句中把頻率副詞放在be動詞之後: I am usually busy on the weekend.
頻率副詞問句答句練習題: 想像你要訪問新室友做某些事情的頻率,用How often或How many times a day/week/month/year 造問句,並試著回答自己造的問句看看
1. check your cell phone 查看手機
2. watch English movies 看英文電影
3. take the MRT 搭捷運
4. go to a party 參加派對
5. eat in a Japanese restaurant 吃日本料理
6. do exercise 做運動
7. take a vacation 渡假
參考答案: [讀者亦可有自己的答案喔~ ]
1. How many times a day do you check your cell phone? Several times a day.
2. How often do you watch English movies? About once a month.
3. How many times a week do you take the MRT? Twice a week.
4. How often do you go to a party? Not very often.
5. How many times a month do you eat in a Japanese restaurant? Twice a year.
6. How often do you do exercise? Three times a week.
7. How many times a year do you take a vacation? Once a year.
Always 用於簡單式與進行式
大家比較熟悉的是always 用於簡單式之中,例如: I always have a cup of coffee in the morning. 我早上總是要來一杯咖啡 When I order a drink at the cafe, I always get a cup of latte. 當我點飲料時我總是點一杯拿鐵
但always 也可以使用於進行式中來表達一個不斷重複發生的事件,語氣上有點像是中文的「一直在.../老是 .../總是...」例如:
My mom is so forgetful. She is always losing her keys or looking for her glasses.
Jan is kind. She’s always giving international students some free English classes.
My roommate is always leaving her dirty dishes in the sink for me to clean.
Lenny is always bragging about himself.
Gina is always borrowing my bicycle without asking me.
*constantly, continually, forever 用於進行式時也是有 「一直在...」或抱怨的意思
My cat likes to talk so much. She is forever/constantly/ continually meowing and trying to get my attention.
Jessica is forever/constantly/ continually talking loudly on the phone while I’m trying to study.
Jessica 老是一直在我讀書時大聲地講電話
那讀者可能會問到always用於簡單式與進行式的差別在哪裡? 我們來看兩個相似的例子:
Jeff is so sociable. He’s always meeting new people.
-> Jeff善於社交的特質,讓他一直遇見新朋友,是不斷重複發生的事情
Jeff always meets new people when he travels.
-> 在旅行這樣的情境下Jeff遇到新朋友
My mom is so forgetful. She is always losing her keys.
-> 我媽健忘的特質,讓她老弄丟鑰匙,是不斷重複發生的事情
My mom always loses her keys when she is tired.
-> 在疲累這樣的情境下我媽媽才會弄丟鑰匙
簡言之,如果你想表達一個常見、且不斷重複發生的事件(a common, recurring event),可以使用always於進行式中去表達,always使用於簡單式的句子,比較會用來描述特定的時間地點、情境(a specific time, place, situation),當然這樣的規則是一個參考,有些情境下使用always於簡單式或進行式都可以,文意上也沒有太大的差別,例如:
My roommate is always leaving her dirty dishes in the sink for me to clean.
-> 使用進行式寫,說話者帶有抱怨/厭煩的的語氣
My roommate always leaves her dirty dishes in the sink for me to clean.
-> 使用簡單式寫,說話者可能只是在陳述事實,不一定在抱怨,但抱怨的語氣也可能顯示於說話者的聲音中
My roommate is always leaving her dirty dishes in the sink for me to clean. My roommate always leaves her dirty dishes in the sink for me to clean.基本上這兩句英文都是正確的。
頻率副詞用於描述事件發生的頻率,在肯定句之中他們通常放在一般動詞之前、be動詞之後,第一個助動詞之後,多數的頻率副詞在否定句之中會放在否定詞(doesn’t/ don’t / isn’t )之前(always, ever除外),要問別人做某件事的頻率,問句句型為How often… 或 How many times a day/a week/ a month/ a year....?在簡答句中與強調語氣中頻率副詞會放在Be動詞及助動詞之前,always 使用於進行式中時,則表達一個不斷重複發生的事件,建議讀者在記憶頻率副詞的用法時用具體的例子下去記憶,而不要只是背規則,也鼓勵讀者將學到的頻率副詞用法應用於自己的日常生活中,用自己熟悉的情境去造句這樣學習會更加有效率。
Azar, Betty Schrampfer.Basic English Grammar.4th ed. New York: Pearson Education, 2014.
Azar, Betty Schramfer. Fundamentals of English Grammar. 4th ed. New York: Pearson Education, 2011
Azar, Betty Schrampfer.Understanding and Using English Grammar. 3rd ed. New York: Pearson Education, 1999.
Swan, Michael. Practical English Usage.3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005.