形容詞和副詞怎麼區分?英文字形容詞加上ly就一定是副詞嗎?一般來說,多數時候是按照這樣的規則沒錯,例如:quick->quickly, slow->slowly, fluent->fluently,但有一些ly結尾的字是形容詞而不是副詞:例如:friendly友善的, costly昂貴的, lovely愉快的。也有一些字是副詞形容詞長相一樣的,例如:fast, late, hard或不規則變化(good->well)。那到底什麼時候用形容詞?什麼時候用副詞?在看題目的時候要怎麼知道空格到底要填什麼詞性?這是很多英文初學者會產生的疑問,簡單歸納來說,形容詞用來修飾名詞,副詞則用來修飾動詞和形容詞。那可能有讀者會問到:為何有些動詞後面卻是要放形容詞呢?例如: You look happy today.你今天看起來很開心。 為什麼不可以寫You look happily today呢?常聽到別人講說這是因為look是連綴動詞,連綴動詞到底是什麼?本文將依依回答英文初學者常碰到的形容詞副詞用法問題,內文附上練習題並示範學生解題時常犯的錯誤,說明實用的形容詞副詞解題技巧,希望對讀者有所幫助。
如何知道這個英文字是形容詞還是副詞? 是多數初學者會問到的問題,在辨識詞性上大家可以用英文字的常見詞性字尾來輔助,以下列出幾個常見的形容詞字尾:
-ing: interesting令人有趣的, amazing令人驚喜的, boring令人無聊的
-ed: interested感到無聊的, amazed感到驚喜的, bored感到無聊的
-able: comfortable舒服的, acceptable可接受的 reliable 可靠的
-ible: sensible明智的, visible可以看見的
-ful: beautiful漂亮的, useful有用的, colorful五顏六色的, meaningful有意義的
-y: happy快樂的, angry生氣的, sunny晴朗的, cloudy多雲的
-ive: talkative多話的, attractive有魅力的, decisive果斷的, competitive 競賽的
-ic: economic經濟上的, organic 有機的
-ical: economical省錢的, logical 有邏輯的
-ish: selfish自私的, childish幼稚的, foolish愚蠢的, sluggish 遲緩的
-less: speechless無言的, careless不小心的, useless無用的, hopeless 沒希望的
多數時候形容詞加上ly或ally 就會變成該字的副詞,例如: quick->quickly快, slow->slowly,fluent->fluently流利地,beautiful->beautifully漂亮地,enthusiastic->enthusiastically有熱誠地,economic->economically經濟地,節約地
易混淆的字: 形容詞副詞同型的字及ly結尾卻是形容詞
大部分時候英文字字尾是ly多為副詞,但是規則總是有例外的: 下面簡單介紹幾個初學者常看到2形容詞副詞同型的字、加上ly文意不同、不規則變化的字、及ly結尾卻是形容詞的字。
形容詞-> 副詞
fast -> fast
hard -> hard
early-> early
late-> late
high -> high
near-> near
good-> well
1.fast/fast 快
形容詞:a fast car 很快的車
副詞: Jerry always drives fast. Jerry總是開車很快
2. hard/hard 硬/困難/辛苦認真
形容詞: The test is hard. 這考試很困難
It was hard work in the factory. 工廠的工作很辛苦
副詞: Mary works hard every day. Mary每天認真工作
*hard這個字形容詞副詞同樣型態,hard的副詞並不是hardly喔,的確有hardly這個副詞,它的意思是"almost not 幾乎不"的意思: The rain was so heavy that I could hardly see anything. 雨下的如此之大 我幾乎看不見任何東西; She hardly ever goes to amusement parks. 她幾乎從不去遊樂園。
3. early: 早
形容詞: Are you an early bird? 你是早睡早起的人嗎?
副詞:Do you usually get up early? 你通常很早起床嗎?
4. late:遲/晚
形容詞: She is late again. 她又遲到了
副詞:Jessica paid the rent late. Jessica遲繳房租
*的確有lately這個副詞,lately的語意同等於recently (not long ago)最近、近來(不久之前的意思),常與現在完成式或現在完成進行式連用: She has been very busy lately. 她最近很忙; Have you been learning anything new lately? 你最近有學什麼新東西嗎?
5. high:高
形容詞:a high mountain很高的山
副詞:Jason kicked the soccer quite high. Jason把足球踢的很高
*的確有highly這個副詞,highly的語意同等於very, to a large degree非常、極其: Teaching is a highly skilled job. 教書是個非常有技巧的工作; He is a highly successful businessman. 他是個非常成功的生意人。
6. near 附近
形容詞: They went to the nearest beach. 他們去最近的海灘
副詞: As the test date drew near, he got more and more nervous. 當考試日期越來越接近,他愈來越緊張。
*的確有nearly這個副詞,nearly的語意同等於almost 幾乎: It took me nearly two hours to complete the project. 我花了幾乎兩個小時的時間去完成這個專案; It’s nearly 11 o’clock. You should go to bed now. 將近11點了,你該上床睡覺了。
7. good/well:好
形容詞: Jan is a good teacher. Jan是個好老師
副詞: Jan teaches well. Jan教的很好
*well這個字也可以當形容詞,但意思是healthy, not ill 健康的意思: My grandfather hasn’t been very well recently. I hope he gets well soon. 我祖父最近身體不太好; 我希望他快點好起來。
friendly友善的: Robert is very friendly. He likes to help others. Robert非常友善他喜愛幫助別人
neighborly友善的、助人為樂的: It was very neighborly of you to run errands for her. 你真是樂於助人願意幫她跑腿
costly昂貴的: a costly watch 昂貴的手錶
lovely愉快的: We had a lovely evening. 我們有一個愉快的夜晚
lonely寂寞的: She lives by herself and sometimes she feels lonely. 她自己住,,有時候她感到很寂寞
hourly每小時, daily 每天, weekly 每周, monthly 每月, yearly每年: 這幾個時間詞是可以當形容詞也可以當副詞的,例句如下:
You have been using the computer for two hours. You should take hourly breaks. 你已經用電腦用了兩小時,你應該要每小時休息一下
Could you tell me your daily routine? 你可以跟我說每天的例行公事嗎?
A weekly report 每周的報告
Please make monthly payments. 請每月付款
My brother gets a yearly pay raise. 我弟弟每年加薪一次
The toilets were cleaned hourly during the pandemic. 疫情期間廁所每小時被清潔
He goes to work by bus daily. 他每天搭公車上班
The newsletters are sent weekly. 通訊刊物每周被發送
The committee members meet monthly. 委員會成員每月碰面
They pay the maintenance fee yearly. 他們一年付一次維護費
多數讀者可能會問到,單字那麼多而且規則還總是有例外,要怎麼記住呢? 我認為學英文單字是基本功,建議大家在學習一個新單字的時候可以把該單字的詞性變化一次性地整理起來,也建議不要只是去背單字的中文意思,而是要去看例句用法及英文解釋,這樣才能精準掌握單字的用法,之後再自己練習造句並持續不斷地複習,這樣單字就會自動收納在長期記憶區你永遠也不會忘記了^^ 講完如何判定一個單字是形容詞和副詞之後,接下來我們來說說形容詞和副詞的用法差別,也就是教大家在看題目的時候要怎麼知道空格到底要填形容詞還是副詞。

形容詞用來修飾名詞時通常擺放在名詞之前,例如:She is a beautiful girl 她是個漂亮的女孩;This is a big house. 這是一棟大房子;I love delicious food我喜歡美味的食物。
形容詞用來修飾something, anything, nothing, someone, anyone, somebody, anybody, nobody等字時,放在其後,例如:
There's something wrong with the computer - it keeps beeping.
*在這個例句中wrong是放在something後面來修飾它,不可以寫wrong something.
The boss wants someone dependable to communicate with his clients while he is on a business trip. 老闆想要可靠的人跟客戶溝通當他出差的時候
*在這個例句中dependable是放在someone後面來修飾它,不可以寫dependable someone.
I don't have anything new to tell you.
*在這個例句中new是放在anything後面來修飾它,不可以寫new anything.
形容詞除了用來修飾名詞也會放在be動詞及連綴動詞之後,例如: Jeffery is smart. Jeffery很聰明; I am happy. 我很快樂; The room is clean. 房間是乾淨的,Be動詞後面放形容詞是大家比較熟悉的用法,那接下來我們來了解一下連綴動詞接形容詞的用法:
連綴動詞(Linking Verbs)接形容詞用法
一般來說動詞後面會接副詞來做修飾,但是連綴動詞後面是接形容詞,大家可以把連綴動詞(linking verbs) 當作一組特殊的動詞來記,有哪些常見的動詞是屬於連綴動詞呢? 大致上用來描述"感官/語意為感覺起來"、語意為"似乎"、"變與不變"的動詞都是屬於連綴動詞:
1. 感官動詞:
look看起來: She looks sad. 她看起來很傷心
sound聽起來: The story sounds interesting. 故事聽起來挺有趣的
smell聞起來: The chicken smells good. 雞肉聞起來很香
taste嚐起來: These cookies taste sweet. 這些餅乾嘗起來甜甜的
feel感覺起來: I feel happy. 我覺得很開心
2. 似乎:
seem似乎: The child seemed tired. 孩子似乎累了
appear似乎,表現得,顯現出: You have to appear confident in a job interview. 當去工作面試時你必須表現得自信
3. 變與不變:
become變成: The weather was becoming cold, so we turned on the heater. 天氣變得越來越冷,所以我們開了暖氣
get變成: He gets upset every time you mention his ex-girlfriend.每次你提到他的前女友,他都變得不開心
turn變成:The maple leaves in this forest usually start to turn yellow and red by the end of September. 這座森林中的楓葉通常在九月底的時候開始變黃變紅
grow變成: He and his wife hope to grow old together.他和他的妻子希望一起相守變老
go 變成:Jerry'll go crazy if he can't go out. 如果Jerry不能出去的話他會瘋掉
come 變成: His dream finally came true. 他的夢想最終成真
keep保持:Please keep quiet. 請保持安靜
stay保持: Do you know how to stay young? 你知道如何保持年輕嗎?
remain 保持: Please remain calm. 請保持冷靜
其他接形容詞的常見動詞: sit, stand, lie, fall
除了連綴動詞,其他接形容詞的常見動詞還有 sit, stand, lie, fall,當這幾個動詞拿來描述句子之中的主詞狀態而非動作本身時,後面就會接形容詞,例句如下:stand站: stand sill! 站好!
sit 坐: It’s hard for children to sit still for a long time. 小孩子很難長時間坐著
*這兩個例句中still是形容詞,是靜止的、不動的意思,不是副詞 “仍然”的意思喔! still用來形容主詞的狀態
lie躺: Gina has a test tomorrow. She lies awake at night. Gina明天有個考試,她躺在床上無法入睡
fall 變成某狀態: After drinking milk, the baby fell asleep. 喝完牛奶之後嬰兒睡著了
*awake是醒著,asleep睡著的-> 都是形容詞,都是用來形容主詞的狀態
1. appear
She appeared calm when the accident happened. 當意外發生時她表現得很冷靜
*此例句 appear 意思是"表現得"-> 是連綴動詞,所以後面接calm這個形容詞
A bear suddenly appeared in my doorway. 一隻熊突然出現在我的門口
*此例句 appear 意思是"出現" -> 是一般動詞,所以用suddenly突然地這個副詞來修飾
2. look
You look angry. What happened? 你看起來很生氣,發生了什麼事?
*此例句 look 意思是"看起來"-> 是連綴動詞,所以後面接angry這個形容詞
I was late again this morning. My boss looked at me angrily. 我今早又再一次遲到,
*此例句 look (at)意思是"看著" -> 是一般動詞,所以用angrily生氣地這個副詞來修飾
3. taste
The pork tastes too salty. 這豬肉嚐起來太鹹了
*此例句 taste 意思是"嚐起來"-> 是連綴動詞,所以後面接salty這個形容詞
Tom is carefully tasting the soup because it is hot. He wants to know if he needs to add more pepper. Tom正在小心地品嘗這碗湯,因為湯很燙。Tom想知道看是否需要再放一些胡椒
*此例句 taste 是描述"正在品嘗的動作" -> 是一般動詞,所以用carefully小心地這個副詞來修飾
4. sit
Few children can sit still. 很少有小孩能安安靜靜的坐著
*此例句 sit 用來描述主詞小孩的狀態,所以後面接still安靜的這個形容詞
When the teacher walked into the classroom, all of the students sat quietly at their desks 當老師走進教室時,所有的學生都安靜地坐在書桌前
*此例句 sit是描述動作坐著,所以用quietly這個副詞來修飾
連綴動詞練習題: 請判定下列題目中的動詞應該要接形容詞還是副詞
1.The weather suddenly turned (cold /coldly) and started to rain.
2. As the teacher walked into the classroom, the students grew (quiet/quietly).
3. The chicks have grown (quick/quickly).
4. She seemed (happy/ happily) this afternoon.
5. The dog looked at me (happy/ happily).
6. The news doesn’t seem (important/ importantly).
7. If you don't put the milk into the refrigerator, it 'll go (sour/sourly).
8. After doing exercise (regular/ regularly), he became (slim/slimly).
9. My uncle always remains (silent/silently) while his wife complains.
10. My supervisor likes to keep (busy/ busily).
11. I felt (sad/sadly) when I saw that stray cat.
12. Jan is (careful/ carefully) tasting the coffee because it is hot. The coffee tastes (good/well).
13. The trash smells (bad/badly). Ann is (happy/happily) smelling the perfume she has just bought.
14. Your tea is getting (cold/coldly). Drink it as (quick/quickly) as possible.
1. cold 2. quiet 3. quickly 4. happy 5. happily 6. important 7. sour
8. regularly, slim 9. silent 10. busy 11. sad 12. carefully, good
13. bad, happily 14. cold, quickly
副詞修飾動詞、形容詞 、副詞及副詞擺放位置
It’s so hot today. 今天超熱
*用so這個副詞修飾hot 這個形容詞
His business has been very successful. 他的生意非常成功
*用very這個副詞修飾successful 這個形容詞
The drink is slightly sweet. 這杯飲料稍甜
*用slightly 這個副詞修飾sweet這個形容詞
The tea is not hot enough. 這杯茶不夠熱
My nephew isn’t hungry enough to eat the whole sandwich. 我姪兒不夠餓去吃掉整個三明治
*用enough 這個副詞修飾hot或hungry這個形容詞,但注意enough這個副詞的用法必須放在形容詞後面
She speaks English very fluently. 她英文說得很流利
They are madly in love with each other. 他們瘋狂地深愛彼此
* madly是副詞,in love是副詞片語,用madly這個副詞來修飾in love這個副詞片語
You need to think about your plan very carefully.你需要非常小心地思索你的計劃
*very是副詞,carefully也是副詞,用very這個副詞來修飾並強調carefully ,例句中整個副詞詞組 “very carefully 非常小心地”是放在句末
Elvis can play the piano very well. Elvis 能夠彈鋼琴彈地非常好
*very是副詞,well也是副詞,用very這個副詞來修飾並強調well ,例句中整個副詞詞組 “very well 非常好”是放在句末
She munched happily on the juicy apple. 她開心地嚼著多汁的蘋果
Mr. Luke spoke enthusiastically to the audience. Mr. Luke 熱情地對他的觀眾說話
When Lucy was given the opportunity to work overseas, she eagerly accepted the challenge. 當Lucy被給予去海外工作的機會時,她熱切地接受這個挑戰
*eagerly 是副詞,放在主要動詞accepted的前面來修飾它
It's still difficult to accurately predict when an earthquake will happen. 現在仍然很難準確地預測地震何時會發生
*accurately 是副詞,放在主要動詞predict的前面來修飾它
The weather was bad. However, Jerry still went swimming.
She had a car accident yesterday. Luckily, she didn’t get hurt. 她昨晚發生車禍,幸運地是,她沒有受傷
Look at those dark clouds. Maybe it will rain in the afternoon. 看看那些烏雲,也許今天下午會下雨
*Maybe “也許”表達不確定性,通常用於句首
Why didn’t Mary come to class today? Perhaps she is sick. 為什麼Mary 今天沒來上課?也許她生病了
*Perhaps “也許”表達不確定性,通常用於句首
A car accident happened last night.
=Last night, a car accident happened. 昨晚發生車禍
I'm going to have lunch with my friend tomorrow.
=Tomorrow, I'm going to have lunch with my friend. 明天我將要和我的朋友吃午餐
My parents bought this house in 1987.
=In 1987, my parents bought this house. 1987年我父母買了這棟房子
*注意:副詞有時並不會只以一個字的方式出現,也會以一個片語的方式出現(片語的定義為一組相關的詞組,不包含主詞或動詞)例如: In 1987, Last night-> 就是副詞片語; 副詞有時也會以子句的方式出現(子句的定義為有主詞有動詞的字群),例如: Before he goes to work tomorrow-> 就是一個副詞子句
3. 形容詞副詞解題技巧及練習題
Q1-3 填入beautiful或 beautifully:
1.Lisa always wears ______ clothes.
2. Lisa dressed up ______ for the wedding.
3. Lisa looked ______at the party last night.
答案是1.beautiful 2.beautifully 3. beautiful 你寫對了嗎?
第一題如果有的同學只看wear 又套用副詞修飾動詞的規則,就可能寫成副詞beautifully錯誤到答案。這邊一定看完整個句子去理解題義為Lisa總是穿漂亮的衣服,用形容詞beautiful 修飾名詞clothes。
第二題題義是說Lisa為了婚禮漂亮地盛裝打扮,這邊用副詞beautifully來修飾動詞片語dress up.
第三題有的同學若只看動詞look可能就會寫成beautifully, 但是為什麼答案是形容詞beautiful呢?因為題義是在昨晚的派對上,Lisa看起來很漂亮, “look看起來”是連綴動詞,所以要接形容詞而非副詞。
4. Frank is a _____reader.
5. Frank reads ______.
兩題的答案都是 fast, 因為fast形容詞副詞是同樣的型態,第四題Frank 是個閱讀速度快的讀者,fast當形容詞修飾reader名詞;第五題Frank 讀得很快,fast做副詞用修飾動詞read,有的同學可能會把第五題寫成fastly, 這是錯誤的,沒有這個字喔!
6. Tina is a _____salesperson.
7. Does the ice cream taste ____?
8. Joy can swim very______.
答案是6. good 7.good 8. well 你有答對嗎?
第六題題義是Tina 是個很棒的業務,所以拿形容詞good修飾名詞salesperson.
第八題題義是Joy 可以游泳游得很好, swim是一般動詞,拿副詞well修飾
1. In the library, you have to speak (quiet/quietly).
2. Jessica always drives (careful/carefully).
3. They like to go swimming in (good/well) weather.
4. I am nearsighted. I need to put on my glasses to see (clear/clearly).
5. Wendy and I went to the same college, but I don’t know her very (good/well).
6. A lot of people have to work (hard/hardly) nowadays to earn a little money.
7. Do you have anything (special/especially) to tell me?
8. Henson got up (early/ earlily) yesterday morning.
9. Do you like (sweet/ sweetly) cake?
10. My friends and I had a pajama party last night. We talked (late/ lately) into the night.
11. Gina is an (honest/honestly) girl. She always tells the truth.
12. Ben gave a presentation in front of a lot of people yesterday. He was so (nervous/nervously) that he kept biting his fingers (nervous/nervously).
答案: 1. quietly 2. carefully 3. good 4. clearly 5. well 6. hard 7. special
8. early 9. sweet 10. late 11. honest 12. nervous, nervously
Azar, Betty Schrampfer.Basic English Grammar.4th ed. New York: Pearson Education, 2014.
Azar, Betty Schramfer. Fundamentals of English Grammar. 4th ed. New York: Pearson Education, 2011
Rogers, Bruce. Complete Guide to the TOEIC TEST. 4th ed. Boston, National Geographic Learning, a Cengage Learning Company, 2018.
Swan, Michael. Practical English Usage.3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005.
賴水信。Fundamentals of TOEFL 基礎托福文法。台北市: 眾文圖書公司