對等連接詞有哪些呢? 對等連接詞包含 for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so 共七個(可用每個連接詞的字首來記憶簡稱為“fanboys”) 。對等連接詞用來連接「字」、「片語」、「子句」讓所表達的語句變得更精簡漂亮,是在日常、多益考試及寫作中很常用到的文法概念,除了 "fanboys”外,本文將介紹多益常考相關連接詞的用法,包含both A and B (A和B兩者皆); not only A but also B (不僅A還有B,強調B); either A or B (A或B, 兩者選其一); neither A nor B (既不是A也不是B, 兩者皆非); 使用對等連接詞及相關連接詞時需要注意三個要點: 1.平行結構 2. 標點的使用 3. 主詞動詞一致性。除此之外,英文的"我也是"倒底該怎麼說才是正確的?很多讀者第一反應大概會是 "Me too." 但Me too. 只能用在肯定句的 "我也是",否定句的"我也是" 會講”Me either.” 或 "Me neither.” 本文將介紹如何正確使用 "too, so, either, neither” 這些與對等連接詞相關的字詞來表達"我也是" 除了舉例逐一說明每個對等連接詞及相關連接詞的用法之外,本文文末也將提供多益考試對等連接詞的題目與解析,希望能幫助要考多益的讀者。
對等連接詞Coordinating Conjunctions
在前言中我們提到對等連接詞包含 for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so 簡稱為“fanboys.” 對等連接詞可以用來連接文法功能相同的「字」、「片語」和「子句」讓所要表達的語句變得更精簡,首先我們來看一下如何使用對等連接詞連接「字」和「片語」:
1.對等連接詞連接「字」和「片語」: and, but, or, nor
在使用對等連接詞and, but, or, nor 連接文法功能相同的「字」和「片語」時要注意平行結構,例如:My cats like chicken and fish.
*在這個句子中用and去連接chicken, fish兩個名詞
[平行結構為: 名詞 chicken + and +名詞 fish]
I swept the floor and cleaned the table.
*在這個句子中用and去連接 swept the floor, cleaned the table兩個片語
[平行結構為: 動詞+名詞 swept the floor + and +動詞+名詞 cleaned the table]
She is studying English and (is) listening to music.
*在這個句子中用and去連接 studying English, listening to music 兩個片語
[平行結構為: is studying English + and + listening to music; 第二個 is可以省略因為與第一個is共用]
Do you want tea or coffee?
*在這個句子中用or去連接tea, coffee 兩個名詞
[平行結構為: 名詞 tea + or +名詞 coffee]
Jenny wants to play badminton or (to) go skating.
*在這個句子中用or 去連接 to play badminton, to go skating 兩個片語
[平行結構為: to play badminton +or + to go skating ; 第二個 to 可以省略因為與第一個to共用]
This house is big but old.
*在這個句子中用but 去連接big, old 兩個形容詞
[平行結構為: 形容詞 big + but +形容詞 old]
I was hungry but didn’t eat on the train. I didn’t have time.
我肚子餓但沒有在火車上吃東西. 我沒時間吃
*在這個句子中用but 去連接 was hungry 以及 didn’t eat 兩個片語,主詞都為I 所以可以共用 ]
[平行結構為: was hungry + but + didn’t eat ]
What she needs is not love, nor money. It is respect.
她需要的東西不是愛情也不是金錢 而是尊重
*在這個句子中用nor去連接 love 以及money兩個名詞]
[平行結構為: 名詞 love +逗號 + nor +名詞 money ]
*一般對話中這句話應該會說 What she needs is not love or money. It is respect. 會用 or 去做連接,但是如果想要強調第二個詞語時,可使用nor去做連接
1. I like cats, and dogs.
2. I like cats and dogs.
3. I like cats, dogs, and rabbits.
4. I like cats, dogs and rabbits.
5. I like cats dogs and rabbits
6. Cats, dogs, and rabbits, are my favorite animals.
正確答案: 2, 3, 4
不知道各位讀者有選對答案嗎? 接下來我們要講的是對等連接詞連接「字」和「片語」標點的用法:
*如果只使用對等連接詞連接兩個字或片語-> 不需要打逗號 例如: I like cats and dogs. -> 只有用and連接兩個字,所以不需要打逗號
*如果連接三者以上的字或片語-> 就需要在每個字或片語之間使用逗號隔開,至於and前面的逗號要不要寫? 答案是都可以 ,句子都是正確的 例如: I like cats, dogs, and rabbits. 和 I like cats, dogs and rabbits. 兩個句子都是正確的
句子中的逗號代表的是說話者在說話時的"停頓",這邊讀者要注意中文與英文在寫作上逗號與句號的符號型態及用法是不同的,寫作時中文的每一個完整句子之間會用逗號(,)隔開,在寫完一整個段落後才會打上句點(。) 但是英文寫作中,一個完整的句子寫完就要打上英文的句點(.) 不可以打逗號(,) 去連接句子喔! 如果要連接兩個獨立子句可使用「對等連接詞加上逗號」來連接,請看下列例句並注意標點符號的使用位置:
I like cats. My brother likes dogs.
I like cats, but my brother likes dogs.
The brown cat ate some chicken. The black cat ate some fish.
The brown cat ate some chicken, and the black cat ate some fish.
I like cats, my brother likes dogs.
對等連接詞除了用以連接「字」和「片語」之外也很常使用來連接子句,如果不清楚子句是什麼的讀者,可以讀 "名詞子句基本用法解析" 這篇文章深入了解,簡單來說「子句」 是一組有主詞和有動詞的字群,有些子句是完整並且獨立存在的,有些子句被稱為 「從屬子句」則不能自己獨立存在,對等連接詞用以連接兩個獨立的子句,兩個子句中間會打逗號隔開:
Alice was tired, so she went to bed. Alice累了所以她上床睡覺
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is one of my favorite books, for I love fantasy.
獅子·女巫·魔衣櫥是我最喜歡的書之一 ,因為我喜愛奇幻文學
*這邊的連接詞 for 意思是because "因為"
Mary took an English class, and Joe took a French class.
Mary修英文課 Joe修法文課
Kate invited me to her birthday party, but I didn't want to go.
Kate邀請我去參加她的生日宴會 ,但是我不想去
Do we have to give a presentation tomorrow, or is it due next Monday?
It was very hot, yet my grandmother didn't turn on the air conditioner.
*這邊的連接詞yet意思是but "但是"
Bruce doesn't own a house, nor does he plan to buy one.
Bruce沒有擁有房子 他也不打算買
*這邊的連接詞nor意思是 also not "也不" ,用於否定句子之後,以便連接另一個含有相關資訊的否定句子,並且使用倒裝句型寫出
簡單地來說 ,兩個獨立的子句可以使用下列三種方式連接表達:
1. 使用對等連接詞加上句子中間打逗號隔開
My students are learning new keywords, and they need to have more practice.
2. 使用句點隔開兩個句子
My students are learning new keywords. They need to have more practice.
3. 使用分號隔開兩個句子,分號用於連接兩個意思緊密相關的句子
My students are learning new keywords; they need to have more practice.
My students are learning new keywords. And they need to have more practice.
It was late. But he didn’t go to bed.
The wind started blowing in the afternoon, and it continued throughout the night.
The wind started blowing in the afternoon and continued throughout the night.
相關連接詞 Correlative Conjunctions
both A and B (A和B兩者皆)
not only A but also B (不僅A還B,強調B)
either A or B (A或B, 兩者選其一)
neither A nor B (既不是A也不是B, 兩者皆非)
破解多益相關連接詞的題目必須要從了解題目語意及題目中給其中一個連接詞線索去著手(例如: 你看到or這個連接詞 前面的空格就很有可能是either),在本文的最後會提供多益練習題與解析 ,現在我們先來看幾個例句了解相關連接詞平行結構用法: 同上文所述相關連接詞會用來連接有相同文法功能的字詞 ,呈現如: Both 名詞 and名詞; either 形容詞 or 形容詞; not only 動詞+名詞 but also 動詞+名詞 的結構
both A and B (A和B兩者皆)
The guest speaker asked the audience a question. Both the teacher and the students found it interesting.
客座演講者問了聽眾一個問題, 老師和學生們都覺得這個問題很有趣
The country has been hit by both earthquakes and forest fires. It definitely needs help from other countries.
此國家同時被地震和森林大火所侵襲, 它真的很需要其他國家的援助
Tenant: How do I pay the rent?
房客: 我要怎麼付租金?
Landlord: You can either use your credit card or write a personal check.
房東: 你可以使用信用卡或開支票付款
Tenant: How do I get to the nearest supermarket?
房客: 我要如何去最近的超市?
Landlord: You can either take the bus or ride a bike.
房東: 你可以搭公車或騎腳踏車
The war forced many people to leave their homes. Now the refugees in the camps have neither food nor clothing.
Mary’s essay is neither organized nor coherent. The teacher has decided to ask Mary to rewrite it.
not only A but also B 「不僅… 還…」,針對句中 A 和 B 的相對重要性來說,更強調後者
We visited our grandmother not only during the winter break, but also during the summer vacation.
Elvis is very talented. He not only plays the violin, but also paints watercolors.
both A and B是用複數型態動詞:
Both the orange cat and the black cat are in the bedroom.
Both the museum and the art gallery open at 10.
not only…but also, either…or, neither…nor 動詞跟隨比較近的主詞
Not only the orange cat but also the black cat is in the bedroom.
-> is是跟隨the black cat
Not only the teacher but also the students are in the classroom.
-> are是跟隨the students
Either the professor or the research assistant is driving.
-> is是跟隨the research assistant
Either the professor or the students are going to host the party.
-> are 是跟隨the students
Neither the dog nor the cat is here.
-> is是跟隨the cat
Neither my roommate nor my classmates are here.
-> are是跟隨my classmates
1.Cathy got bad grades on the tests. Either her sister or her friends ____[be] going to help her with her studies.
2. Cathy got bad grades on the tests. Either her friends or her sister ____ [be] going to help her with her studies.
3. Neither my uncle nor my aunt ___[be] a civil servant.
4. Neither my uncle nor my friends ____[be] civil servants.
5. Both my brother and I ____[love] cats.
6. Not only my cousin but also my sister-in-law ___[have] a master’s degree.
7. Not only my best friend but also my professors ___[like] black tea.
答案: 1.are 2. is 3. is 4. are 5. love 6. has 7. like
1.Jan drinks coffee. Her husband drinks coffee. 請用 both…and…. 合併
2. Jan doesn’t drink juice. Her husband doesn’t drink juice, either. 請用 neither…. nor合併
3. Betty isn’t coming to the workshop. Beth isn’t coming to the workshop, either. 請用 neither…. nor合併
4. David can read a book. David can also play basketball with his friends. 請用 either…or 合併
5. Dr. Melaned teaches English literature very well. Dr. Melaned speaks six languages. 請用not only….but also 合併
6. Professor Nicoletti will teach us English Composition, or Professor Wang will teach us. 請用 either…or 合併
1.Both Jan and her husband drink coffee.
*注意主詞是複數Jan and her husband 所以要寫drink
2. Neither Jan nor her husband drinks juice.
*注意neither nor本身有否定意思所以不可再寫doesn’t drink 否定形式, 而是要寫drinks, 動詞跟著her husband
3. Neither Betty nor Beth is coming to the workshop.
4. David can either read a book or play basketball with his friends.
5. Dr. Melaned not only teaches English literature very well but also speaks six languages.
6. Either Professor Nicoletti or Professor Wang will teach us English Composition.

對等連接詞之 "我也是" Too, So, Either, Neither 用法
英文的"我也是"倒底該怎麼說才是正確的?很多讀者第一反應大概會是 "Me too." 但多數讀者不知道的是
Me too. 只能用在肯定句的 "我也是"
例如: A說: 我喜歡貓 I like cats. B說: 我也是. Me too.
英文否定句的"我也是" 在日常對話中要講 “Me either.” 或 "Me neither.” 才是正確的喔!
例如: A說: 我不喜歡昆蟲 I don’t like insects. B說: 我也是 Me either. / Me neither.
除了口語中的用法,接下來我們來學習英文的 “我也是” 還可以怎麼說:
Alice開心,Mary 也開心
Alice is happy. Mary is happy, too.
Alice不開心,Mary 也不開心
Alice is not happy. Mary is not happy, either.
當在表達"我也是"可用兩個完整句表達,注意一個完整句就需要句點後再另開下一個完整句表達,肯定句的 “也” 用too寫,否定句的 “也” 用either 寫,但除此之外我們也可以用and這個對等連接詞去連接兩個句子表達"我也是",在歸類上讀者可以想像以X軸Y軸畫出的四象限: X軸我分為1.後半句以Be動詞作結尾的句型與2. 後半句以助動詞作結尾的句型,Y軸分為1.肯定句與2.否定句接下來將逐一舉例說明:

(1)簡單式中句子主要動詞是Be動詞 (2)進行式及(3)未來式中be going to
Alice is happy, and Mary is too.
Alice is happy, and so is Mary.
Alice是開心的,Mary 也是
Alice is happy, and her friends are too.
Alice is happy, and so are her friends.
*Alice is happy, and Mary is too. 當前半句的動詞是Be動詞,後半句也用be動詞並搭配相應的時態(此句為現在簡單式 )及主動詞一致性(Mary 接is ) ,另外一個寫法Alice is happy, and so is Mary. 為倒裝句寫法,後半句需將主詞Mary和動詞is 的位置做對調: 寫成 so is Mary. 第三個例句Alice is happy, and her friends are too. 在用法上須注意主動詞一致性: her friends是複數,所以動詞會接are ,寫成her friends are too; 第四個例句Alice is happy, and so are her friends. 為倒裝句寫法,後半句需將主詞her friends和動詞are 的位置做對調: 寫成 so are her friends.
Andy is cleaning the house, and Jerry is too.
Andy is cleaning the house, and so is Jerry.
3) 未來式中be going to 寫法
Robert is going to watch TV tomorrow, and his sister is too.
Robert is going to watch TV tomorrow, and so is his sister.
*進行式及未來式中的be going to 則是把後面的完整句做省略只寫到be動詞的部分,第一個例句Andy is cleaning the house, and Jerry is (cleaning the house) too. 後半句把cleaning the house省略不寫出來; 第二個例句Andy is cleaning the house, and so is Jerry.為倒裝寫法,主詞Jerry與動詞is位置要對調: 寫成so is Jerry; 第三個例句Robert is going to watch TV tomorrow, and his sister is (going to watch TV tomorrow) too. 後半句把going to watch TV tomorrow省略不寫出來; 第四個例句Robert is going to watch TV tomorrow, and so is his sister. 為倒裝寫法,主詞his sister與動詞is位置要對調: 寫成so is his sister
Alice is not happy, and Mary isn’t either.
Alice is not happy, and neither is Mary.
Alice不開心,Mary 也不開心
Alice isn’t happy, and her friends aren’t either.
Alice isn’t happy, and neither are her friends.
*Alice is not happy, and Mary isn’t either. 請注意否定句的 “也” 要用either 寫; 另外一個寫法Alice is not happy, and neither is Mary. 為倒裝句寫法,要注意的除了主詞動詞作對調之外,更重要的是因為neither 本身就有否定的意思,所以neither後面不能再用isn’t 這個否定動詞,而是會用is寫: 寫成neither is Mary. 第三個例句Alice isn’t happy, and her friends aren’t either. 除了前述的重點須注意主動詞一致性: her friends是複數,所以動詞會接aren’t,寫成her friends aren’t either; 第四個例句Alice isn’t happy, and neither are her friends. 為倒裝句寫法,後半句先寫出neither 因有否定文意aren’t要改成are並將主詞her friends和動詞are的位置做對調: 寫成 neither are her friends. 進行式及未來式中be going to 寫法也是如上所述,例句如下:
Andy isn’t cleaning the house, and Jerry isn’t either.
Andy isn’t cleaning the house, and neither is Jerry.
3) 未來式中be going to 寫法
Robert isn’t going to watch TV tomorrow, and his sister isn’t either.
Robert isn’t going to watch TV tomorrow, and neither is his sister.
2. 後半句以助動詞作結尾的:
除了上文提到(1)簡單式中句子主要動詞是Be動詞 (2)進行式及(3)未來式中be going to 後半句是以Be動詞作結尾的句型,其他的句型都是以一般助動詞(do, does, did, 現在完成式助動詞為have, has )及情態助動詞(will, would, can, could, should 等字)作結尾的,當前半句為一般動詞時,後半句搭配相應時態的助動詞(do, does, did, have, has);前半句若為can, will, should這類的情態助動詞,後半句也搭配同樣的情態助動詞,至於倒裝句的寫法規則同上文所述就不再贅述,下面逐一列出常用時態及情態助動詞的例句給讀者參考:
Jenny plays the piano every day, and I do too.
Jenny plays the piano every day, and so do I.
Jenny 每天彈鋼琴,我也是
Jenny plays the piano every day, and Miranda does too.
Jenny plays the piano every day, and so does Miranda.
Jenny 每天彈鋼琴,Miranda也是
Jenny studied English hard last night, and her classmates did too.
Jenny studied English hard last night , and so did her classmates.
Jenny will walk to school tomorrow, and Miranda will too.
Jenny will walk to school tomorrow, and so will Miranda.
Jenny 明天將走路去學校,Miranda 也是
Peggy has been to Korea, and Judy has too.
Peggy has been to Korea, and so has Judy.
Peggy已經去過韓國,Judy 也是
Peggy has been to Korea, and her co-workers have too.
Peggy has been to Korea, and so have her co-workers.
I can speak English, and my mother can too.
I can speak English, and so can my mother.
You should go on vacation, and I should too.
You should go on vacation, and so should I.
Jenny doesn’t play the piano, and I don’t either.
Jenny doesn’t play the piano, and neither do I.
Jenny doesn’t play the piano, and Miranda doesn’t either.
Jenny doesn’t play the piano, and neither does Miranda.
Jenny didn’t study English last night, and her classmates didn’t either.
Jenny didn’t study English last night, and neither did her classmates.
Jenny won’t walk to school tomorrow, and Miranda won’t either.
Jenny won’t walk to school tomorrow, and neither will Miranda.
Jenny 明天將不會走路去學校,Miranda 也不會
Peggy has never been to Korea, and Judy hasn’t either.
Peggy has never been to Korea, and neither has Judy.
Peggy從未去過韓國,Judy 也沒去過
Peggy has never been to Korea, and her co-workers haven’t either.
Peggy has never been to Korea, and neither have her co-workers.
I can’t speak Japanese, and my mother can’t either.
I can’t speak Japanese, and neither can my mother.
You shouldn’t stay up late, and I shouldn’t either.
You shouldn’t stay up late, and neither should I.
對等連接詞之 "我也是"練習題: 請填入正確的助動詞+too, either, so 或 neither
1.I can’t sing, and my best friend ______.
2. I don’t like fried food, and my husband __________.
3. Last night, my brother came home late and my sister-in-law _______.
4. Andy knows how to cook, and Robert _______.
5. I can’t drive, and Yuki ____.
6. I would rather have fish for dinner tonight, and my roommate _______.
7. Bubble tea is a popular drink in Taiwan, and _____Oolong tea.
8. I didn’t go to work yesterday, and ___________my brother.
9. Kate isn’t going to mop the floor, and ______her brothers.
10. I’ve never seen a bear in the wild, and _____Eason.
11.I’ll be there in five minutes, and Maggie ______.
12. I don’t have a house, and _______my roommates.
1.can’t either
2. doesn’t either
3. did too
4. does too
5. can’t either
6. would too
7. so is
8. neither did
9. neither are
10. neither has
11. will too
12. neither do
對等連接詞之 "我也是"練習題:依照提示改寫句子
1.Both Jenny and Miranda enjoy skating.
Jenny ____________, and so ____________.
2. My brother has a scooter, and I have a scooter, too.
My brother __________, and so ____________.
3. Amy and Anna are not late for class.
Amy _____________, and neither ____________.
4. Lily and Lisa can’t play the guitar.
Lily can’t _____________, and neither _____________.
5. . I don’t eat durians.
My brother doesn’t eat durians, either.
I ________________, and neither ______________.
6. Jerry will study hard.
Jack will do it too.
Jerry _________, and so _________________.
1. Jenny enjoys skating, and so does Miranda.
2. My brother has a scooter, and so do I.
3. Amy is not late for class, and neither is Anna.
4. Lily can’t play the guitar, and neither can Lisa.
5. I don’t eat durians, and neither does my brother.
6. Jerry will study hard and so will Jack.
1.A majority of the customers who completed the survey rated Sasaki mobile phones as ________good or excellent.
(題目出自多益官方全真試題指南3 Test 1 Q106)
2.Tanner Publications is currently seeking a copy editor with previous experience _______excellent communication skills.
(題目出自多益官方全真試題指南3 Test 1 Q112)
3.Tickets to _____the variety show and the comedy show can now be purchased at special group rates.
(題目出自多益官方全真試題指南3 Test 2 Q102)
4.Frequent changes in the market make it hard for stereo equipment producers to anticipate demand with much confidence _____precision.
(題目出自多益官方全真試題指南3 Test 2 Q121)
5.The Bernier Company’s financial reports are typically published in ____English and French.
(題目出自多益官方全真試題指南4 Test 1 Q102)
6.The new-product development meeting will be held either in Room 402 ____in Room 501.
(題目出自多益官方全真試題指南4 Test 2 Q101)
7.Payment of monthly parking vouchers can be made either by personal check ___by automatic withdrawal from a bank account.
(題目出自多益官方全真試題指南2 Test1 Q107)
8.Before using your savings ___borrowing money to start a business, you should carefully evaluate the financial risks involved.
B)so that
(題目出自多益官方全真試題指南2 Test2 Q105)
9.You must carry your driver’s license ______employee identification card with you when you drive a company-owned car.
(題目出自多益官方全真試題指南5 Test1 Q101)
10.A street map ______a travel guide are available on the city’s official Web site.
(題目出自多益官方全真試題指南5 Test2 Q103)
理解對等連接詞(fanboys: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)與相關連接詞(both A and B; not only A but also B, either A or B, neither A nor B)的正確用法不僅能提升寫作口說的流暢性,更能增進多益等相關英文證照考試的應考能力,使用對等連接詞及相關連接詞時需要注意三個要點: 1.平行結構 2. 標點的使用 3. 主詞動詞一致性,對於想提升寫作口說的讀者,筆者建議多看例句後自行練習造句以及應用到段落文章中來精熟對等連接詞的用法,對於要考英檢或多益證照的考生,筆者建議在閱讀完對等連接詞的文法基本概念後,大量練習對等連接詞的題目來提升答題速度及正確性,希望閱讀完本文能讓讀者更精準掌握多益必考的對等連接詞用法。
Azar, Betty Schrampfer.Understanding and Using English Grammar. 5th ed. New York: Pearson Education, 2017
Azar, Betty Schramfer. Fundamentals of English Grammar. 4th ed. New York: Pearson Education, 2011
Wilson, Paige & Glazier, Teresa Ferster. The Least You Should Know about English Writing Skills. 8th ed. Boston: Thomson Heinle, 2003.
Rogers, Bruce. Complete Guide to the TOEIC TEST. 4th ed. Boston, National Geographic Learning, a Cengage Learning Company, 2018.
Swan, Michael. Practical English Usage.3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005.
ETS, TOEIC Official Test-Preparation Guide Vol.2 多益測驗官方全真試題指南II. Taipei: ETS, 2010.
ETS, TOEIC Official Test-Preparation Guide Vol.3 多益測驗官方全真試題指南III. Taipei: ETS, 2011.
ETS, TOEIC Official Test-Preparation Guide Vol.4多益測驗官方全真試題指南IV. Taipei: ETS, 2014.
ETS, TOEIC Official Test-Preparation Guide Vol.5 多益測驗官方全真試題指南V.Taipei: ETS, 2016.
郭文興。 全民英檢初級寫作實戰練習。台北市:師德文教